Let PostyTM, the Free Email Provider GuyTM, find your ideal provider |
POP3 Providers
These providers only offer POP3/SMTP access. POP3 accounts may also be viewed
on the web using a "Reader."
Note: Many web-based and non-USA providers also offer POP3 accessibility.
POP3a |
Storage Limit |
POP Setting |
SMTP Setting |
IMAP Setting |
Blue Room Publishing |
Acc |
? |
? |
? |
- |
CheyenneWeb |
Acc |
None |
? |
? |
- |
GMX1 |
Acc |
? |
pop.gmx.net |
mail.gmx.net |
- |
H & H Development |
Acc |
? |
hhdevel.com? |
hhdevel.com? |
- |
HotPOP2 |
Acc |
10MB |
pop.hotpop.com |
smtp.hotpop.com |
- |
MailCC |
Acc |
None |
mailcc.com |
mailcc.com |
- |
MyRealBox3 |
Acc |
10MB |
pop.myrealbox.com |
smtp.myrealbox.com |
imap.myrealbox.com |
Naui.net |
Acc |
? |
mail.naui.net |
mail.naui.net |
- |
NetTaxi |
Acc |
4MB |
pop1.nettaxi.com |
mail1nettaxi.com |
- |
NFMail (NetFraternity) |
Acc |
? |
mail.nfmail.com |
n/a |
- |
PPLMail |
Acc |
10MB |
pop.pplmail.com |
smtp.pplmail.com |
- |
ProHosting |
Acc |
?1MB |
? |
? |
- |
SoftHome3 |
Acc |
None |
pop.softhome.net |
smtp.softhome.net |
- |
StartFree4 |
Acc |
None |
mail.startfree.com |
mail.startfree.com |
- |
VisualCities5 |
Acc |
? |
mail.visualcities.com |
mail.visualcities.com |
- |
1 - GMX, which also offers a complete web interface, is in German but they offer an excellent service if you can handle the language
2 - HotPop also offers forwarding and has a choice of 7 domain names.
3 - Also offers a web-based front-end.
4 - StartFree offers free email as part of a free Internet connection package in certain U.S. cities.
5 - Offered with free webspace
- Recommended by the Free Email Providers Guide
Note: Many POP3 providers use a feature called "POP before SMTP" which requires that a person fist log in via POP before they are allowed to send through the SMTP server. This is done in order to stop Spammers from abusing their systems.
The Free Email Providers Guide makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of information presented on this site. However we make no warranty and cannot be responsible for any damages resulting from use of information from this site. Links to other websites are provided as a convenience and the Free Email Providers Guide is not responsible for the content, which is the sole responsibility of the website. |